Services 8:00 A.M. (Rite 1) & 10:00 A.M. (Rite II with Choir)
Services 8:00 A.M. (Rite 1) & 10:00 A.M. (Rite II with Choir)
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
In 2015 the church leadership set up an Architectural Committee to explore land use and building possibilities, including a congregational survey and a feasibility study which generated designs of a new sanctuary building. The project to bring this effort to life was named The Amazing Grace Project.
The construction of a new sanctuary building was completed at the end of 2018 and the Dedication and Consecration Service was held on Saturday January 12, 2019. The sanctuary (seating 300 at capacity) is of “traditional” design and features Gothic-style arches and stained glass windows, showcasing select themes specific to the doctrine of God’s Grace to humanity through the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
We have committed ourselves to the Amazing Grace Project, and re-dedicated ourselves to:
Naming Opportunities to the Wider Church and Faith Community
The leadership of Grace Church extends to the wider church and faith community the opportunity to name the various stained-glass windows. This opportunity is on a first come first serve basis. The three windows at the Liturgical East wall (9g, 10 and 11e), the Passover (13e) and the Agony in the Garden (5g) windows are now spoken for (no longer available for naming opportunities). There are other windows still available. If anyone is moved by the Spirit to take up a naming opportunity for one or more stained glass window(s), please contact the Vestry Liaison, Peter Van Dyke at 1-813-215-9018 email for details. Please be ready to specify the text of your chosen naming opportunity to appear in the bottom of the window with the following guidelines: Given to the Glory of God, and in thanksgiving for/memory of/ appreciation of/celebration of N.N.
Grace Church has contracted with Lynchburg Stained Glass (Website to design the windows.
They will be distinctively Gothic in design and appearance like some in this link
Warren Sponsler - Chair, Amazing Grace Committee
Rich Armading, Amazing Grace Project Manager
Dr. James O. Brookins, Jr., Amazing Grace Committee
Etta Green - Amazing Grace Capital Campaign Chair
Fr. Benjamin Twinamaani - Rector
We invite you to become a part of making this vision a reality by supporting this effort. Please review the wide-range of donation options and take advantage of this special opportunity.
Copyright © 2024 Grace Church Tampa Palms | 15102 Amberly Drive, Tampa, FL - All Rights Reserved.
Sunday services at
8:00 A.M. (Meditative, Rite 1)
& 10:00 A.M. (Traditional Rite II with Choir)