Services 8:00 A.M. (Rite 1) & 10:00 A.M. (Rite II with Choir)
Services 8:00 A.M. (Rite 1) & 10:00 A.M. (Rite II with Choir)
Grace has a warm and wonderful fellowship that carries on after each service for longer than you would expect, because our members have such a great time in conversation with each other. We have a culturally diverse church, with members from beyond Wesley Chapel and New Tampa, to include far-flung places in Uganda, the Caribbean, Asia, Latin America, and all over the US.
Fellowship Events
Grace Church is home to Diverse Groups and activities that build fellowship, such as the Book Club, Women of Grace, Youth Concerts, Summer Picnic, a.k.a. Calypso Event, and the annual Christmas Dinner and Dance.
Check out the link on this site for Canterbury Hall for availability to schedule a fellowship event for your family needs.
Youth Ministries: The middle and high school students of Grace get together once a month. We mix it up each month -- concerts, prayer, service projects, games, movies, outdoor events, Bible study.
Our youth ministry is built on 1 Thessalonians 2:8: "We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well..." Come join us as we share our lives in Christ with one another!
Youth gathering & Sunday School:
Our Prayer Team is a very special group (as are all our groups!) We meet every other Saturday at 9 am for worshipful music and prayer for unity, growth, and depth of spirit.
The Book Club is a loose-knit group with no elected or appointed officers. We seek insight to our religious and spiritual nature through literature and then share our thoughts and discoveries in a respectful, group discussion format.
From reading the scriptures, to assisting in serving communion, reading the prayers and acolyting, we want participants in worship! Do you just love people? We'd love to have you as a greeter or usher to welcome our parishioners with a smile as they come in or hand them a bulletin. Life change happens as we participate in it, not just stand by and watch from the outskirts. We love having many different people involved in the worship experience! Come grow with our family in worship.
Every 4th Sunday of the month.
We invite you to participate in worship as a reader of the Old Testament lesson, Psalm, New Testament lesson, or the Prayers of the People. In the Youth Service, 4th Sunday of the month, we encourage the youth to do the readings - the awesome job they do can move us to applause or tears!
Becoming an acolyte is a great way to help in church and to learn more about the different things that happen during services.
Acolyte service is open to anyone in fourth grade or above. We love our adult acolytes, as well! We hold periodic training sessions to help acolytes learn the various tasks.
The Altar Guild maintains and arranges everything needed to for worship, including setting the table for Eucharist, including additional chalices and intinction cups,arranging the flowers, setting out candles, and setting up for baptisms. This ministry is one of sensitivity, beauty, sacredness, and elbow grease.
Grace has a lovely nursery with a great fun playground outside. There are all kinds of arts and crafts, encouraging children to love, learn, and share. All the children are so great.
There are always fun times at Grace and safety is a primary concern at all times. All volunteers take Safeguarding God's Children, a four-hour course on interacting safely with children.
Even though Grace is only 20 years old, we have raised generations of youngsters now enrolled in college or enlisted in the military.
Our ministry includes the Shepherds of Grace, which is a lay ministry of companionship, caring, compassion and support for members of Grace. The Lay Eucharistic Visitors are also part of the Pastoral Care Commission, and these visitors bring the Eucharist to individuals who are ill or home bound.
Poor nutrition makes it difficult for children to concentrate in school. They get sick more often too. You just can’t ignore hunger. That’s why we partner with Metropolitan Ministries the last Friday of every month to provide hot, balanced and nutritious meals to all who are in need in one of the poorest areas in Hillsborough County, north on Livingston Ave from Fletcher Ave (dead end street).
As a Eucharistic Visitor you have the privilege of bringing the Sacrament to those who cannot be present at a public celebration of the Eucharist because they are ill, home-bound, in a hospital or nursing home and the joy of being one of the links that keep that person connected to our larger Grace family.
Grace Church sets aside annually a tithe "off the top" in our giving to give back to the "widows and orphans" we are called to help in the community. We have provided grants for scholarships for needy schoolchildren in the Caribbean, a van for supporting troubled youth in Second Chance for Boys, support workshops for the Tampa Bay Crisis Center, cloth for NICU blankets and Little Dresses for Africa, whole family mission trips to the Dominican Republic, and many other worthy causes brought to us by our parishioners.
We hope to continue this ministry by a continuing culture of tithing from our congregational giving.
Holy Baptism is customarily administered on the First Sunday after the Epiphany, at the Easter Vigil, on the Feast of Pentecost, and on All Saints’ Day (or the following Sunday). Occasionally, Holy Baptism is administered at other times, depending on the circumstances. Active participation in the life of the Christian community is expected of all candidates and sponsors.
Grace Church offers a special and beautiful setting for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, including full catering and reception facilities at Canterbury Hall. A ninety-day notice is required. Please contact the parish office for more information.
The Rector and the clergy are available for premarital, marriage, and individual counseling. W
Grace Church offers a special and beautiful setting for the sacrament of Holy Matrimony, including full catering and reception facilities at Canterbury Hall. A ninety-day notice is required. Please contact the parish office for more information.
The Rector and the clergy are available for premarital, marriage, and individual counseling. We also can recommend licensed, professional counselors as well. Please contact the parish office to learn more.
Confirmation & Reception
Reconciliation (Confession)
Please contact the parish office at 813-971-8484 to make the necessary arrangements.
Copyright © 2024 Grace Church Tampa Palms | 15102 Amberly Drive, Tampa, FL - All Rights Reserved.
Sunday services at
8:00 A.M. (Meditative, Rite 1)
& 10:00 A.M. (Traditional Rite II with Choir)